New Feature Update: Enhanced Pipeline Growth Insights

In our latest platform update, we've introduced significant enhancements to our Pipeline Growth Insight feature. This update addresses a frequent request from our users: the ability to analyze pipeline changes more granularly, specifically by month and week.

Daniel Raskin
May 16, 2024

In our latest platform update, we've introduced significant enhancements to our Pipeline Growth Insight feature. This update addresses a frequent request from our users: the ability to analyze pipeline changes more granularly, specifically by month and week.

The Importance of Linking Marketing Activities to Pipeline and Revenue

For marketers, connecting go-to-market activity to pipeline and revenue is crucial because it provides clear, measurable evidence of how marketing efforts contribute to the company's bottom line. This connection enables marketers to demonstrate the direct impact of their campaigns and strategies on sales and revenue growth, making their work more tangible and valued. Communicating these insights to the executive team is essential, as it helps align marketing objectives with overall business goals, ensures marketing receives appropriate budget and resources, and fosters a data-driven culture. By showcasing how marketing drives pipeline growth, marketers can gain executive support, justify their investments, and highlight their strategic role in the company's success.

The Challenge of Capturing Pipeline Movement

Accurately capturing pipeline creation and retirement within a CRM system presents challenges. CRM filtering often fails to track opportunities that briefly move into a pipeline stage and then exit to a non-pipeline stage, such as closed won, closed lost, disqualified, or reverting to an earlier stage not included in the pipeline. This movement leads to underreporting pipeline growth to the executive team. Mperativ solves this problem by accurately capturing and reporting all pipeline movements, ensuring that every stage transition is tracked and reflected in the overall pipeline growth metrics.

Enhanced Granularity: Monthly and Weekly Insights

Our new feature allows users to drill down into their pipeline data not just quarterly, but also by month and week. This fine-grained analysis is crucial for go-to-market teams who need to understand the detailed movements within their pipeline. For instance, users can now see how their pipeline evolved week by week within a specific month, providing a more precise view of growth and changes.

Export and Filter Options

In addition to the new fine-grained capabilities, users can easily save pipeline growth insights as SVG or PNG files, making them simple to integrate into Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations. Additionally, data can be exported as a CSV for further analysis. This eliminates the need for late-night efforts to translate critical pipeline data into slides before a quarterly business review or board meeting.


This Pipeline Growth Insight feature enhancement empowers users with a more detailed understanding of their pipeline dynamics. By offering monthly and weekly views and robust export and filter options, we provide a powerful tool for go-to-market teams to track and celebrate their growth comprehensively.

We hope you find this update valuable and look forward to your feedback.

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